WordPress Management

We use WordPress to manage our marketing site and blog. This section contains information on how to manage various parts of the site.

  1. Navigate to the Global Content settings page.
  2. Select “Side Navigation” from the “Theme Content” menu.
  3. Modify text areas as needed.
  4. (Optional) Update Slack icon or bell icon as needed. Please make sure to run this by marketing so that we can make sure the icons match the theme.

Team Page Management

Add Someone to the Team Section

The team section is currently hosted on the About page.

Double check that the teammate wants to appear on this page and is okay with their location being posted.

  1. Collect a headshot, location, and social media links from the teammate.
  2. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Console and select “Team” from the left-side menu. Select “Add Team” from the menu that pops up.
  3. Fill out required information: First and Last Name, Position (job title), Location (City/State/Country)
  4. Ignore the “Bio” section for now. It’s not displayed anywhere.
  5. If you have social links you can add them at the bottom. These are nice to have byt not required
  6. Click “Publish” on the right-side menu.
  7. Navigate to the About Page and click the “Teams Content” section. You’ll see two colums with everyone on the team.
  8. Move the teammate from the left colum to the right. Drag and drop to sort in alphabetical order.
  9. Click “Update” in the top right corner to publish the changes.

Remove Someone from Team Section

    1. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Console and select “Team” from the left-side menu.
  1. Hover over the profile you’d like to delete and click “Trash”. This will move the profile to the Trash section where it can be restored if needed.


Add New Partners

Once a new partner is approved:

  1. Navigate to the Partners page.
  2. Click “Add Partner” at the top of the page.
  3. Add the partner’s name in the Title bar.
  4. Copy and paste the partner blurb into the text area. Highlight the text and click “Align Center” at the top. This will center it on the partner page and make it look nice with our theme.
  5. Click “Set Featured Image” on the right-side menu and upload the partner logo. Once uploaded you can then select it as the featured image.
  6. Click publish once you’re ready.
  7. Navigate to the Partner Re-Order page and make sure the new partner is sorted in the list alphabetically.
  8. Click update. The partner should now be live on the site in the right order.

Update Partners

  1. Navigate to the Partners page.
  2. Click the partner you’d like to edit and make changes accordingly.
  3. Click “Publish” to make your changes public.

Sort Partners

  1. Navigate to the Partner Re-Order page and make sure the partners are sorted in the list alphabetically.
  2. Click update. The partner should now be live on the site in the right order.


  1. Navigate to the About page.
  2. Select the Card Slider box under the “Meltano’s core values” section.
  3. A right-hand menu should pop up with properties for the card slider box. Select “Cards Content” from the accordion list.
  4. Edit the values as needed. You can add images or select images from our media library to use.
  5. Click Update to make your changes live.

How to hide blog posts in WordPress

  1. Navigate to the [Insights] (https://meltano.com/wp-admin/edit.php) page.
  2. Enter the name of the blog post you want to hide in the upper-right-hand search bar.
  3. Click on the post to open it.
  4. Under the ‘Status and visibility’ heading, click on ‘Public’ and change it to ‘Private’. ‘(Only visible to site admins and editors)’
  5. Click on ‘Update’ to save your changes.



When uploading images to the website it is important to ensure that they are optimized for this medium in order to ensure quick navigation for everyone who visits our site and just as a best practice in general. This means compressing the original size of your image to make it load faster (preferably to less than 1MB). If you are unable to perform this action before uploading, or would just like to optimize existing images, you can use the Robin Image Optimizer WordPress plugin.

Using Robin Image Optimizer

With our current license, we can optimize up to 5,000 images per month. To compress or optimize bulk images:

  1. Login to WordPress.
  2. Go to Settings > Robin image optimizer.
  3. Select the correct optimization server, which is “Premium - no limits”.
  4. Click on “Optimize” and keep this page open until a bulk optimization is successfully performed.

Alternatively, if you’d like to compress single images, you can:

  1. Login to WordPress.
  2. Go to Media > Library.
  3. Click on the “Optimize” button next to the image you’d like to compress.