Product Features

Product features in Meltano may optionally go through multiple acceptance phases.

Meltano Cloud

We release Meltano Cloud in the following lifecycle stages.

  • Experimental: Experimental features are features that we have made available to everyone to use, but they may not be completely finished or stable yet. We may still be adding new things and making changes while they are in experimental mode. We’ll try to let you know ahead of time about any big changes, but sometimes we may not be able to. Also, keep in mind that these features may not have complete instructions or technical support.

  • Preview (Private or Public): Preview features are stable and can be used in production, but we might still make some changes to them before they’re officially released. We might also add new things that aren’t compatible with the old version. Preview features have instructions, technical support, and specific performance goals. They usually don’t cost extra, but they might become paid features in the future.

  • Generally Available (GA): Generally Available features are stable and can be considered for production deployments. Service level agreements (SLAs) apply to GA features, and these features include documentation and technical support.

  • Deprecated: Features in this state are not actively worked on, maintained, or enhanced by Meltano. We aim to keep these functioning as-is but that may not be possible prior to their removal. New issues and bug reports related to these features will be deprioritized or closed.

  • Removed: Removed features no longer have any level of product functionality or support.

Meltano Core

We release Meltano Core in the following lifecycle stages. Core releases follow semantic versioning

  • Unreleased: We will include this functionality in the next minor version prerelease. However, we make no commitments about its behavior or implementation. As maintainers, we reserve the right to change any part of it, or remove it entirely (with an accompanying explanation.)

  • Experimental: Experimental features are features that we have made available to everyone to use, but they may not be completely finished or stable yet. We may still be adding new things and making changes while they are in experimental mode. We’ll try to let you know ahead of time about any big changes, but sometimes we may not be able to. Also, keep in mind that these features may not have complete instructions or technical support.

  • Released: Ready for use in production.

  • Undocumented: These are subsets of Meltano Core functionality that are internal, not contracted, or intentionally left undocumented. Do not consider this functionality part of that release’s product surface area.

  • Deprecated: Features in this state are not actively worked on or enhanced by Meltano and will continue to function as-is until their removal date.

  • Removed: Removed features no longer have any level of product functionality or support.