WPEngine Management

The marketing site is hosted on WPEngine.

Add or Edit Redirects

  1. Navigate to the redirect rules page.
  2. Click “New redirect rule” or click on the redirect rule you wish to edit.
  3. Under “Name” type a short description of the redirect rule.
  4. Under “Domain” select “All Domains”
  5. Under “Source” you’ll need to add a regex expression. See the other redirects for examples.
  6. Under “Destination” add the URL you wish to redirect to.

Website Outage Triage

If there’s a website outage here are the steps you can take to triage it (in no particular order):

  • Visit the WPEngine status page to see if there’s a broader outage
  • Check Pingdom alerts to see if the website is down or just unreachable from a specific region
  • View the logs on WPEngine

Contacting WPEngine

To contact WPEngine for support you will sometimes need to provide a “Support Pin.” This is located at the bottom left corner of the control panel.


Backups are taken every night and can be manually created and restored here.